Who of You by Worrying …

This podcast offers a reflection on the last question we will explore in our series of The Questions Jesus Asked. This one comes from Matthew 6:27, “Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?”  In this passage we may even discover an antidote to our preoccupation with worry.  “What worries you, masters you.” – John Locke 

  “Who of You by Worrying …”  podcast #177

Do You Love Me?

This reflection on the question Jesus asked in John 21:15, “Do you love me?” offers an insight into how God works to help us re-write our life-limiting stories. What if God doesn’t want to rub it in, but rather, rub it out? 

  “Do you love me?”  podcast #176

Does No One Condemn You?

This podcast offers a reflection on the famous story of the woman caught in adultery as recorded in the 8th Chapter of St. John’s Gospel. We suggest there is nothing that brings God greater happiness than helping us re-write our life-limiting stories. “Come, come, whoever you are. Wanderer, worshiper, lover, or drunk. It doesn’t matter. Ours is not a caravan of despair. Come, even if you have broken your vows a thousand times. Come, yet again , come , come, to hope.” – Rumi 

  “Does No One Condemn You?”  podcast #175

My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?

This podcast offers a reflection on the question Jesus cried out in Matthew 27:46, “My God my God, why have you forsaken me?” Instead of trying to figure out why this happened, maybe it is better to see this question as an aid to answering how we should navigate our own times of suffering. 

  “My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?”  podcast #174

Video of “What Is Your Name?”

If you’re interested, here’s a video of last week’s Reflection on “What Is Your Name?” https://youtu.be/pHDRYeFYK1U?t=742

What Is Your Name?

This podcast offers a reflection of the encounter Jesus has with the Gadarene Demoniac as recorded in Luke chapter 8. Jesus asked him and us, “What is your name?” “The soul wants to tell us the truth about ourselves.” – Parker Palmer 

  “What is your name?”  podcast #173

Who Do You Say I Am?

“My idea of God is not a Divine Idea. It has to be shattered time after time. God shatters it Godself. God is the great iconoclast. Could we not almost say that this shattering is one of the marks of God’s presence?”  – Clive Staples Lewis 

  “Who Do You Say I Am?”  podcast #172

Does this Offend You?

This podcast offers a reflection on another question Jesus asked in the 6th Chapter of St. John’s Gospel, “Does this offend you?” It is our suggestion that Jesus desires to liberate us from simply becoming spiritual tourists. “Spiritual shopping around is an attempt to find security, an attempt to find a way to always feel good about ourselves.” – Pema Chödrön 

  “Does this Offend You?”  podcast #171

A New Haiku

reading the menu

is not savoring the meal

don’t speak while chewing

How Shall We Feed These People?

This week’s podcast offers a reflection on a question Jesus asked in the 6th Chapter of St. John’s Gospel, “How shall we feed these people?” “O my soul, be prepared to meet him who knows how to ask questions.” — T.S. Eliot 

  “How Shall We Feed These People?”  podcast #170