Podcasts: Season 3

All Meditations 4 Misfits podcasts can be downloaded from either Spotify or iTunes apps

I want to be a conduit of God’s grace rather than a participant in the fear of “not enough.”

  Spiritual Vaccination  podcast #67


A look into the parables of Jesus so see how we might live more fully, more engaged with the people we love, the people we live with and work with, and live more in tune with the world around us as it really is. 

 The Koans of Jesus: Introductionpodcast #68


How can we get free from life-limiting social myths? 

  Social Myths  podcast #69


Some thoughts on the biblical text, Luke 13:1-9. The theme is reconciliation. This reflection was recorded at the First Congregational United Church of Christ in Ashland Oregon on Sunday, March 20th, 2022. If you’d like to hear what I shared, here’s the link … 

Let It Be podcast #70


This reflection on the Gospel passage of the Wedding Feast at Cana (John 2:1-11) was recorded at the First Congregational United Church of Christ in Ashland, Oregon on Sunday May 15, 2022. Fred’s focus is on the theme of transformation.

  H2 Oh Boy!  podcast #71


In this podcast, Fred helps us explore what it is we mean by the word “church” and offers some suggestions on what it might include. 

 What Is A Church? podcast #72


Recorded at the Rogue Valley Manor on Sunday, June 26th, this is a reflection on Jesus’ teaching found in Luke 6:20-36. 

  Blessed are the Poor?  podcast #73


In this podcast, it is suggested that our primary focus as followers of Jesus is to be agents of reconciliation.  “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation…”  – The Apostle Paul 

  Jesus Followers, Part 1: Agents of Reconciliation  podcast #74


In this reflection on Isaiah 6:1-10, Fred shares some thoughts on how Isaiah’s experience can help us become more compassionate followers of Jesus.  This recording concludes with wisdom from Julian of Norwich, “All shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well.” 

  Growing in Compassion, podcast #75


“All wisdom is plagiarism; only stupidity is original.”  –  Hugh Kerr 

  Jesus Followers, Part 3: Cultivating Wisdom  podcast #76


It’s when we won’t let go of a thing that we are defeated by it. ‘Let me go…’ says the Spirit of God. And Jacob answers, ‘I will not let you go until you bless me.’ And therein lies the secret of winning all the struggles of our lives. We must learn to let go of them so that we can come to the blessings hidden within them.” – Joan Chittister

  “Wrestling with God Knows What”  podcast #77


In this reflection on the Gospel of John chapter 21, Fred shares how Jesus invites us to the place of hot, burning coals not to shame us but to liberate us. 

  The Place of Hot, Burning Coals  podcast #78


Our God Concepts greatly influence how we live our lives and relate to others. In this reflection on Jeremiah Chapter 1, Fred asks us to consider what we “see” when we think of God.  

  God Concepts  podcast #79


In this podcast, Fred shares how he tries to hear from God. 

  Connecting the Dots,  podcast #80


“The doors of hell are locked from the inside …”  – C.S. Lewis 

  Escape from Hell  podcast #81