Still Breathing

Hit the wall today. Accumulated griefs I think the professionals call it. At any rate, my mind entered a fog and I just felt immobilized. Simply couldn’t make any decisions. Fortunately, getting dressed wasn’t a problem. When you only have one pair of trousers and two shirts (one of which stinks pretty bad) what to wear for the day requires no decision-making capabilities.

Had breakfast with Nancy and Elijah this morning. My starved soul was deeply nourished by just looking at them. Just being able to see them, to look at them, and remember why I’m breathing brought amazing relief.

As did some precious alone time on a clean toilet being able to savor a much-needed movement of bowels. Amazing how the simple things can bring such joy. After a shave and hot shower, I actually felt human again.

During my shower, for some reason a line from an old Rich Mullins song bubbled up into my consciousness … “And the stuff of earth competes for the allegiance, I owe only to the Giver of all good things.” Being stripped of all earthly stuff this week has opened my eyes to my real treasures – a beautiful loving wife, an incredibly strong son, wonderous friends and colleagues, and a God who has promised to never leave me nor forsake me.

Having nothing, I possess everything.

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