Monthly Archives: May 2023

Dancing with the Divine

In this reflection on the story of Pentecost from Acts chapter 2, I’m struck by the initial evidence of the Spirit’s coming is the sanctified gift of language to break through the barriers of existential alone-ness that plague us all. “Any god concerned with me but not with you, is an idol.” – Abraham Joshua Heschel 

  “Dancing with the Divine,”  podcast #111

Come and See

In this reflection, we’ll consider what Jesus might have meant by the phrase “Kingdom of God.” Episcopalian priest Cynthia Bourgeault suggests, ” You don’t die into it (the Kingdom of God), you awaken into it.  It is not a place you go to, it is a place you come from.” 

  “Come and See,”  podcast #110

Loving Jesus

In this reflection on John 14:15-21, we consider how it is so much easier to worship Jesus rather than do what he told us to do. 

  “Loving Jesus,”  podcast #109

Making God Visible

Catholic theologian John S. Dunne has observed, “To understand what God is doing and to do what God is doing are the functions of Jesus in the Gospel of John.” If this is so, what might be the implications be for us as followers of Jesus? 

  “Making God Visible,”  podcast #108