Monthly Archives: December 2024

Vaporized – the video

This is Fred’s last Sunday Sermon as interim pastor. The theme is how should we live? “What is your life? You are a mist, a vapor, that appears for a little while and then disappears.” – James 4:14

Religion’s Dirty Little Secret

In this podcast we reflect on the message of John the Baptist as recorded in St. Luke’s Gospel, chapter 3:1-6. In our consideration of these words, we run into religion’s dirty little secret. “If you have forgiven yourself for being imperfect and falling, you can now do it for just about everybody else.” – Richard Rohr 

  “Religion’s Dirty Little Secret”  podcast #184

The Sky is Falling

This reflection explores an apocalyptic saying of Jesus found in St. Luke’s Gospel, 21:25-26. Apocalyptic is a literary genre originating in Judaism in the centuries following the Babylonian exile (597–587 BCE). But as the poet Christian Wiman reminds us, “The revelation we need is not ultimate but intimate.” 

  “The Sky is Falling”  podcast #183