Jesus’ Questions

All Meditations 4 Misfits podcasts can be downloaded from Spotify, iTunes, and Amazon Music apps or on YouTube

This podcast offers an introduction to the series that will follow exploring the questions Jesus asked in the Gospels. This episode considers what Jesus had in mind when he said, “Who are my mother, and my sisters, and my brothers?”  As Eugene Ionesco once wrote, “It is not the answer that enlightens, but the question.” 

  “Crazy Talk,”  podcast #164

This podcast offers a reflection on the question Jesus asked in the 4th chapter of the Gospel of Mark, “Why are you so afraid?”  We consider what is the basis of our human existential fear and how might we cope with it? 

  “Why are You so Afraid?”  podcast #165

This podcast offers a reflection on the question Jesus asked in the 5th Chapter of St. Mark’s Gospel, “Who touched me?” In the sharing, we consider the possibility of healing for our existential fear of being alone. “The capacity to pay attention to an afflicted person is something very rare, very difficult; it is nearly a miracle. It is a miracle.”  – Simone Weil  

  “Who Touched Me?”  podcast #166

This podcast offers a reflection on one of the most profound questions ever asked by a spiritual teacher. In the Gospel of John, chapter 1, Jesus asked some new would-be followers, “What do you want?” The poet / philosopher David Whyte calls this a “beautiful question.” He says a beautiful question shapes a beautiful mind, and that: “…a beautiful question starts to shape your identity as much by asking it, as it does by having it answered.” 

  “What Do You Want?”  podcast #167

In this podcast we’ll reflect on why it is the first disciples had such a hard time recognizing the risen Jesus … and why we may as well. The poet Christian Wiman suggests that maybe we come to a place like a church on Easter Sunday morning because we “feel that burn of being that drives us out of ourselves, that insistent, persistent gravity of the ghost called God.” 

 “Whom are You Searching for?”  podcast #105

In this podcast, Fred shares a personal reflection on what has become a central question in his own prayer life. 

  “Who Do You Say That I Am?”  podcast #121