Author Archives: Fred

Random Thoughts

This week we offer some random thoughts on the two readings for the Third Week of Advent 2023 (Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11 and Luke 1:46-55). Both readings speak to the modus operandi of the God of the Bible – who like to use ordinary things and people to accomplish the extra-ordinary“For when I am weak, then I am strong.” – Paul of Tarsus 

  “Random Thoughts”  podcast #141


What does it mean to be “baptized with the Holy Spirit?”  This reflection on the 40th Chapter of Isaiah and the First Chapter of St. Mark suggests it means to have your world rocked. “Baptizo means to be overwhelmed, repeatedly. 

  “Baptizo,” podcast #140

Watch Out!

In this reflection on Mark 13:24-37, we consider not only Jesus’s prophetic warning of dark days ahead, but also his wisdom on how to navigate those dark days. “We are distracted from distraction by distractions.” – T.S. Eliot 

  “Watch Out!”  podcast #139

Living the Good Life

In this podcast we reflect on the words of the ancient Hebrew prophet Micah and the rabbi from Nazareth named Jesus, to discover wisdom that will help us navigate the turmoil and chaos that surrounds our lives. “Remember to build your life as a work of art.” – Abraham Joshua Heschel 

“Living the Good Life,”  podcast #137


Gobsmacked! That’s how I felt yesterday when I learned my second book has now been published in Chinese … deeply grateful.

The author shares a lot of real stories in the book, which helps readers understand the concepts that are difficult to understand, and also leaves a deep impression on readers. There are many beautiful phrases in the book that can touch people’s hearts, such as: “When wounded hearts bless one another, miracles often work.” The FAQ chapter at the back of the book is very practical and the workshops are well practiced, giving readers a taste of the whole meal of pastoral care.

  • Xie Jianquan is the founding president of the Life and Death Education Society


As a hospice pastor, Grewe teaches pastors and clergy how to walk with the dying. It talks about what makes life meaningful and how to leave a spiritual legacy. In the search for the heart, connect with others, with oneself, with the Holy One, and with death. It also explains how to forgive, reflect more deeply, and offers a variety of blessing exercises. I would like to introduce you to this rare book of spiritual heritage.

  • Professor Chan Lai-wan is Honorary Professor, Department of Social Work and Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong

I am grateful to be able to write a recommended essay for this. As a social worker teacher who promotes life and death education and research, I feel that the content shared by the author is authentic and helpful. It may not be easy to prepare people to die well. However, the author shared with us how he explores the existential anxiety of death with terminally ill patients step by step, helping them to leave a spiritual legacy, allowing them to find the lost meaning and leave the most beautiful blessings in their limited lives.

  • Professor Chan Chi-ho is an Associate Professor in the Department of Social Work, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Sickness, old age and death are inevitable stages of life, and if you can accept the coming of death and prepare for it, it will be a beautiful thing to die without regrets. Through years of experience in pasting the terminally ill, and through clinical theological reflection, the author helps hospital pastors and pastoral staff to have a sharper sense of care for the elderly in the face of death, and enables the elderly to transcend the fear of death and still have peace and hope when facing the last journey of life.

  • Lim Wai Lim is the Resident Pastor of Lady Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital

An Act of Defiance

This reflection on two biblical texts, Joshua 1:1-9 and Matthew 23:1-12, invites us to consider the promise of God: “Be courageous, don’t be afraid for I am with you!” What ramifications does this promise have on our lives? “Life is not evil or absurd, actions do have consequences, and there is a Holy One who loves us and is with us – so be courageous and don’t be afraid!”

  “An Act of Defiance,” podcast #135

The God Who Feels

In this episode, Fred offers a reflection on the story of The Golden Calf from Exodus chapter 32 and explores why we prefer idols to the God who feels“The minute you begin to speak with certitude about God, he is gone.” – Christian Wiman 

  “The God Who Feels,”  podcast #131

Tiny God Syndrome

In this podcast, we reflect on the giving of the Ten Commandments to Moses as recorded in the book of Exodus chapter 20. In this story, we are given the cure for the disease of the Tiny God Syndrome.  “Sometimes we wish the world could cry and tell us about that which made it pregnant with fear-filling grandeur.” – Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel 

  “Tiny God Syndrome,”  podcast #130

By What Authority?

In this reflection on two texts, Exodus 17 and Mathew 21, the theme is who do we trust to help us navigate through the uncertainties of life and why do we trust them. “You will trust God to the degree that you know you are loved by God.” – Brennan Manning 

  “By What Authority?”  podcast #129