
 Who am I?

I am simply a collection of stories my life energy (or ego?) has created attempting to explain my existence in the “here” and “now”.

What are words?

Words are simply coded sounds (if spoken) or symbols (if read) trying to communicate the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of one animated soul to another animated soul.  Words are tools to help us cope with or overcome our existential distress at feeling alone in this great vast universe.


Who I was is not who I am
Who I am is not who I will be
What I think is me
Is ever-dancing atoms
Fluid as a primordial sea


Who am I?
bones, fluid, and skin
infused with energy all
else is a story


Sea stacks in the surf,
icons of impermanence
slowly becoming … sand


North wind blows sea sand
ghost-like swirls, racing with joy
into who knows where?


Blue sky’s canopy
gives way to nocturnal lights
day’s death, bids night’s life


Fiery star descends,
horizon’s moist womb awaits
night and I reborn


The ocean’s waves chant
for those who have ears to hear
echoes of the deep


Like the burning bush,
desire’s fire cannot consume
my soul’s ache – for You


Spider’s web catches
stray dust – as does my mind – both
equally sticky


Wind rushing through leaves
cries out – “change is in the air.”
Who has ears to hear?


Pampas grass swaying
free of self-conscious restraint
dancing with the breeze


Carpenter bee seeks
in emptiness of hollow
bamboo pole, shelter


With eyes wide open,
long gaps between breaths – her life
… evaporating


Fly lands on my hand
calling me to this moment
and then flies away.


gnats nip at my mind
with thoughts of naughts and oughts, then
a summer bird sings


an old friend reached out
I was unable to answer
who I was is gone


flying too quickly
a woodpecker smacked the pane
trying to escape


dust floating in air
dancing in beams of sunshine
how am I other?


ticking clock signals
ever moving flow of time
I’d like seconds, please


reflecting on self
searching for something real
in the reflection


while sculpting this verse
old Manjushri thunders, isn’t
this verse sculpting you?


a droplet of sweat
portends my eventual


summer grass goes brown
which fall rain makes green again
and so, life goes on …


sparkling in sunlight
oak leaves reflect Your beauty
oh, can I play too?


hiding in the cave
like Elijah, so afraid
will You find me too?


lying in the grass
sunlight shines between the blades
making all things seen


oak leaves dance with breeze
are they waving hello or
good-bye, who can say?


seeing not thinking
the blue sky was much blue-er
than I thought it was