
All Meditations 4 Misfits podcasts can be downloaded from Spotify, iTunes, and Amazon Music apps or on YouTube

This lecture, The Value of Existential Distress, was delivered at the YOLO Cares Quintessential Care Summit on March 15, 2024, on the campus of Sacramento State University. A link to the slide deck that accompanies the lecture is below. 

  podcast #155

Slides: The Value of Existential Distress

This podcast is a recording of a lecture I presented as part of the Gillespie Lecture series at the Rogue Valley Manor in January of 2024. The title is “What’s Your Story: A Narrative Approach to Meaning-Making.” 

  podcast #148

What’s Your Story slides

This podcast is a recording of a talk Fred gave at Southern Oregon University in Ashland, Oregon on Thursday evening October 26, 2023. The title is “A Spiritual Reflection on The Flourishing Life.” 

  “A Spiritual Reflection on The Flourishing Life,”  podcast #134

Here is a link to the slide deck for this talk:

SOU Flourishing1

“I rejoice in life for its own sake.  Life is no brief candle to me.  It is a sort of splendid torch which I’ve got a hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.” – George Bernard Shaw 

  “The Flourishing Life, Part 1”  podcast #132

“So when all is said and done remember this: open your mind to wonder, your heart to compassion, and your hand to justice, that you fashion a whole and holy world.” – Rami Shapiro 

  “The Flourishing Life, Part 2”  podcast #133