What is It?

This podcast offers a reflection on the story in Exodus 16 of the journey through the wilderness. It is an archetypal image of the journey between bondage and well-being, and a reminder that we are not alone on this journey. 

  “What is it?”  podcast #128

Remembering Who We Are

This podcast offers a reflection on the story of Isaac in Genesis chapter 26, who uncovered the wells of his father Abrahm. Re-digging the wells can be seen as a metaphor for re-connecting with our life Source by remembering who we are. “Stories have to be told or they die, and when they die, we can’t remember who we are or why we’re here.” ― Sue Monk Kidd 

  “Remembering Who We Are,”  podcast #127

Getting Older and Staying Connected

On November 6th I’ll be part of a very special event in Grants Pass, Oregon … here are the details.

Consider This: Getting Older and Staying Connected — Oregon Humanities

Helping Make God Visible

In this reflection on Genesis 18:1-15, it is suggested that like Abrahm and Sarah, our calling and vocation may become activated as we engage in the God-like activity of hospitality. 

  ‘Helping Make God Visible,”  podcast #126

Getting Along

In this podcast, we’ll consider Jesus’s advice from Matthew 18:15-20 on how we might better get along with each other. “We must all learn to live together as brothers and sisters or we will all perish together as fools.” – Martin Luther King, Jr. 

  “Getting Along,”  podcast #114

Dancing with the Divine

In this reflection on the story of Pentecost from Acts chapter 2, I’m struck by the initial evidence of the Spirit’s coming is the sanctified gift of language to break through the barriers of existential alone-ness that plague us all. “Any god concerned with me but not with you, is an idol.” – Abraham Joshua Heschel 

  “Dancing with the Divine,”  podcast #111

Come and See

In this reflection, we’ll consider what Jesus might have meant by the phrase “Kingdom of God.” Episcopalian priest Cynthia Bourgeault suggests, ” You don’t die into it (the Kingdom of God), you awaken into it.  It is not a place you go to, it is a place you come from.” 

  “Come and See,”  podcast #110

Loving Jesus

In this reflection on John 14:15-21, we consider how it is so much easier to worship Jesus rather than do what he told us to do. 

  “Loving Jesus,”  podcast #109

Making God Visible

Catholic theologian John S. Dunne has observed, “To understand what God is doing and to do what God is doing are the functions of Jesus in the Gospel of John.” If this is so, what might be the implications be for us as followers of Jesus? 

  “Making God Visible,”  podcast #108

Recognizing the Risen Jesus

On the road to Emmaus, two early disciples thought their dreams for liberation had died along with Jesus. While what they thought they wanted may have died – it also gave birth to something entirely new. Joseph Campbell has observed, “We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” 

  Recognizing the Risen Jesus,  podcast #107