
All Meditations 4 Misfits podcasts can be downloaded from Spotify, iTunes, and Amazon Music apps or on YouTube

This week’s podcast offers a reflection on “The Call of Isaiah” as recorded in Isaiah chapter 6. This text gives us an opportunity to consider what is a true prophet – and what distinguishes a true prophet from a false one. “He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you.” – Nietzsche 

  “True Prophets,”  podcast #162

True Prophet

“Who” or “What” do you trust to lead you into “Truth”? This is the topic for consideration in this Pentecost(al) podcast. In our reflection, we examine what Jesus might have meant by stating that the Spirit will “prove the world wrong about sin, and righteousness, and judgment” (John 16:13). “All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well.” – Julian of Norwich 

  “Epistemic Authority,”  podcast #163

This podcast offers a reflection on the High Priestly Prayer of Jesus as recorded in the 17th Chapter of John’s Gospel, where Jesus prays that “we all might be one.” What are the implications for us as would-be followers of Jesus today, with our hot-button issues? “Preachers err by trying to talk people into belief; better they reveal the radiance of their own discovery.”  – Joesph Campbell 

  “That All May be One,”  podcast #161

This podcast offers a reflection on the metaphor Jesus offered of himself as “The Good Shepherd” from the Gospel of John chapter ten. In this sharing, we will consider one of the great Christian paradoxes – that Christianity is meant to be personal but not individualistic. 

  “A Christian Paradox,”  podast #160

In this week’s podcast we take a look at a Resurrection story as recorded in Luke’s Gospel, chapter 24. We consider what it might mean to be a “witness” and wonder what if the “Good News” is really good news. 

  “Can I Get a Witness?”  podcast #159

In this reflection on the story of Jesus meeting with his followers on the evening of the Resurrection as recorded in John chapter 20, we consider what it might mean to live the resurrected life. “The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left untried.” – G. K. Chesterton 

  “Living the Resurrected Life,” podcast #158

This Easter podcast offers a reflection on the Resurrection story of Jesus as recorded in St. John’s Gospel. The question being considered is, “What is Resurrection Life?” “I have come that you might have life – and have it to the fullest!” – Jesus (John 10:10) 

  “Resurrection Life,”  podcast #157

This podcast offers a reflection on the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem on the week he was murdered as recorded in the Gospel of John (12:12-16). In this episode we consider the competing agendas that would lead to Jesus’s eventual execution. 

  “Anamnesis,”  podcast #156

This podcast offers a reflection on the most famous verse in the Bible, John 3:16, and suggests what it might mean to “trust in Jesus.” 

  “All In”, podcast #154

This podcast offers a reflection on the episode of Jesus turning over the money-changers tables as recorded in the Gospel of John, Chapter 2. We consider Jesus’s declaration that The Beloved’s house is to be a house a prayer for ALL nations (referencing Isaiah 56:7). 

  “Open Access,”  podcast #153

This podcast offers a reflection on the story of Jesus’s transfiguration as recorded in Mark’s Gospel 9:2-9.  This reading invites us to consider how we might connect with the God who helps us get un-stuck“God, you know that if we don’t change the direction we’re going, we’re likely to end up where we’re headed. Show us a better way. Show us your way.” – Vicki Kemper 

  “Getting Un-stuck,”  podcast #152

This podcast offers a reflection on the temptations that Jesus encountered in the wilderness (as recorded in the Gospel of Mark, chapter one). Instead of considering “Who we are?” a better question might be, “Who do we want to become?” “The men and women who are truly filled with light are those who have gazed deeply into the darkness of their own imperfect existence.” – Brennan Manning

  “Flung into the Wilderness,”  podcast #151

In this reflection on the story of Zacchaeus found in Luke’s Gospel (chapter 19), we consider what it might have meant to have been “saved” by Jesus. “At the still point of the turning world, neither flesh nor fleshless; neither from nor towards; at the still point, there the dance is … “ – T.S. Eliot 

  “Let’s Dance,”  podcast #150

This podcast offers a reflection on the healing ministry of Jesus as recorded in the Gospel of Mark Chapter 1. Was the idea of healing then different than it is today? “I suggest you can be healed without being cured.” – Fred 

  “Healing?”  podcast #149

In this podcast we explore how Jesus did and did not use power in his ministry. “New life is born in a state of total vulnerability – this is the mystery of love.  Power kills.  Weakness creates.”  – Henri Nouwen 

  “Power Plays,” podcast #147

This podcast offers a reflection of the first proclamation made by Jesus in Mark’s Gospel, “Repent, and trust in the Good News.” And as Archimedes famously said, “Give me a firm place upon which to stand and I can move the world.” 

  “Repent! 2”  podcast #146

In this podcast, Fred offers a reflection on how our search for a “Why” can actually make becoming free more difficult. Don’t let “Why” distract you from “Now.” 

  “Why?”  podcast #145

This podcast offers a reflection on Genesis 1:2, where we are told that in the beginning God’s Spirit vibrated over the chaos. “In the Bible we learn that God is a verb (Eh-heh-yeh – Exodus 3:14) … whenever you make a noun of God, you are making an idol.” – Rabbi Rami Shaprio 

  “In the Beginning … ”  podcast #144